Minerva School

Learning For Life

Telephone02 9521 3433


About our school

Minerva School caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 12 students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities and emotional disturbances. Often our students have associated support needs due to sensory processing disorders, behavioural difficulties and autism. 

Our holistic learning programs are implemented in a supportive and nurturing environment where the curriculum is varied and appropriate to students needs to promote lifelong learning. All students have an individual education, transition or vocational plan developed in conjunction with parents, caregivers and community personnel to meet specific educational, social and vocational needs. 

Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 access the NESA curriculum in years 7 to 12 students work towards Life Skills outcomes. 

Work experience, integration, interschool sport and community access engage our students in relevant and motivating learning opportunities.